Saturday, June 7, 2014

Assignment #2 - Critique #5

Rodriguez, C., Strnadova, I., Cumming, T. (2013). Using the iPads with students with disabilities:  lessons learned from students, teachers and parents.  Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(4), 244-250.

As I have stated in previous posts, my school is on its own educational journey with implementing iPads for students who have various needs.  Hence the reason why I chose to read this informative article. 

Acknowledging the positive impact assistive technology has for all individuals, especially those who have specific disabilities is critically important.  Classrooms today are diverse and being able to meet the learning styles and needs of all students can be a challenge.  Therefore, as I read the article, I was inspired and excited about the positive language that was consistently used to describe the implementation process and how students, parents and teachers perceived assistive technology in the classroom.  Whether it was an ipod, iPad, smartphone or another mobile device, everyone was excited and engaged with the technology. 

Over the past few years, proof has been established that AT is supporting students with disabilities in a variety of ways including: 

"1. the technology is open-ended and can be individualized for each user
2. due to their ubiquity, mobile devices will garner minimum negative peer attention
3. many teachers, parents, and students already own mobile devices, minimizing the learning curve
4. the devices are easy to maintain across environments"

These positive statements continued throughout the article.  So, I decided to access a tool that I was introduced to throughout this course and created a Wordle based on the positive terminology used to describe AT use in the classroom.

Truly amazing that such a tool can be so purposeful and useful to so many.  This article has inspired me to continue my stance with fellow colleagues throughout my board about the successes of implementing iPads into our diverse classrooms of today.

With that being said, I am also aware of some challenges that must be taken into consideration in order for a successful implementation of iPads is to occur.  You definitely can not put the horse before the cart or else the end result with be disastrous for all involved. 

Therefore, I think it is very important to take note of the various challenges the authors have noted while researching the implementation of AT in our classrooms.  They stated:

1. anticipate barriers ahead of time and remove them as part of the planning process to increase the chances of a successful implementation
2. ensure assistive technology training for both teachers and parents
3. provide professional development for teachers that are concerned with instructional integration of the technology
4. decide who is purchasing and maintaining the devices and their applications
5. ensure communication between school-home is a collaborative effort
6. support the student and AT device while transitioning across environments

I really appreciate the Worksheet for Planning for Mobile Technology in the Classroom.  It is a useful  piece of documentation that can assist with the implementation process.  I plan on showing my Administration on Monday. 

I look forward to the next few months at my school.  I anticipate lots of meaningful dialogue with staff and students, excitement about the technology and how it will enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills on content being explored but most importantly, I am thrilled just thinking about how equally accessible the learning experiences will be for all the students.  Super exciting! 

Below is a youtube video showcasing iPads being implemented in schools and the power these devices have with meeting individualized needs and differentiating assessment.

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